User ManagementΒΆ

Each organization has one main account (the first registered one) and multiple secondary users. Users are managed from the Organization menu. Users can be configured with the following properties:

  • Email and password - the main authenticaton credentials. Users are encourage to change the initial password after login.

  • Role - the role defines what part of the functionality is accessible to the user. Roles are: Admin, Manager, Developer, IT, Auditor and Public user. Admins have full control, managers have access to most features except organization configuration, IT and developers have access to technical features and Auditors and public users have access only to the dashboard.

  • Allowed applications - the applications to which the user has access. If none are selected the user has access to all applications.

  • Expiration date - optional, sets a date when the user is automatically deleted. Useful for auditor accounts for the duration of an audit.