Log Collector Integration

Integration with Kubernetes

SentinelTrails can serve as a Kubernetes audit log backend. In order to send the audit logs, you have to configure your kubernetes cluster to send audit logs by specifying the --audit-webhook-config-file parameter. In the config file (which is a standard kubeconfig file) you have to specfiy:

  • URL of the webhook - https://api.logsentinel.com/api/k8s/log?trailsApplicationId={ApplicationId}, where ApplicationId is obtained from the API Credentials page

  • username and password for authentication - use your organizationId and secret from the API Credenetials page

Here is an example webhook config file.

Integration with Fluentd

Fluentd quickstart

  • install third party plugin http (requires basic knowledge of ruby gems). Info for fluentd custom plugins example configuration for the plugin to communicate with logsentinel

  @type tail
  path /opt/log.txt
  refresh_interval 10
  tag logsentinel.file
    @type regexp
    expression /(?<actorId>[^ ]*) (?<action>[^ ]*) (?<entityType>[^ ]*) (?<entityId>[^ ]*) (?<param1>[^ ]*)$/

<match logsentinel.**>
  @type http
  endpoint_url     https://api.logsentinel.com/api/log/<actorId>/<action>/<entityType>/<entityId>?param1=<param1>
  serializer    json
  custom_headers {"Application-Id": "b1fgt7a0-5rc5-11e8-8230-0db3d3bfb10d"}
  authentication basic
  username <organizationId>
  password <secret>
  compress_request true
  • <source> configuration is only for testing purposes. It shows how to use regex to format data properly It gets lines from log file with path <path> every <refresh_interval> seconds and parses it with <expression> regex, so data can be extracted easy. This specific regex transforms: "actor1 action2 entityType3 entityId4 urlParam" -> {"actorId":"actor1","action":"action2","entityType":"entityType3","entityId":"entityId4","param1":"urlParam"}

  • <match> config is with type http which is the plugin that is already installed.

  • endpoint_url is Logsentinel API url. Path variables and url params can be extracted from input (properly parsed). Params in <> are replaced with their values. Nested params also can be used ( example: <data.id> extracts 444 from {"data" :{"id":444}} )

  • custom_headers, username and password contain mandatory headers for authentication and authorization. Values of Application-Id, username and password should be obtained from the API credentials page on your dashboard

Additional configuration params are available - see http plugin configuration options

Integration with Logstash


input {
    file {
        path => "/opt/log.txt"
        start_position => "beginning"
filter {
    grok {
        match => { "message" => "actorId=%{WORD:actorId} action=%{WORD:action} entityType=%{WORD:entityType} entityId=%{WORD:entityId}" }

   http {
   headers => ["Application-Id", "b1f8b7a0-5cc6-11e8-8230-0dr3d3brb12d"]
   headers => ["Authorization", "BasicYjFmNjQ2YTAtNWNjNS0xMWU4LTgyMrEtMGRiM1QzYmDiMTBkOmM0YjA4OWViMDg1MmJmNmI0ZGJhNjMwMTJmN2Y2Y2RjMjk3ZWY3ODg4NmRiM2E5YjViODhiNGUxZGZlMzZhOGM="]


grok filter parses mandatory fields from a sample log file in key=value format. This is just an example, you can use any logstash functionality you wish.

Authorization and Application-Id headers contain mandatory headers for authentication and authorization. Values of Application-Id and Authorization are just an example. Your organization real values must be provided. Authorization header consists of “Basic” string + base64_encode(<your organization id>:<your secret>)

Integration with Nxlog


<Input file>
    Module              im_file
    File                '/opt/log.txt'

<Output http>
    Module              om_http
    URL                 https://api.logsentinel.com
    ContentType application/json
        AddHeader   Authorization : BasicYjFmNjQ2YTAtNWNuNS0xMeU4LTgyMzAtMGRiM1QzYmZiMTBkOmM0YjA4OWViNDg1MmJ
        AddHeader   Application-Id : b1f8b7a0-5cc5-11e8-8230-0db3d3bfb10d
        $raw_event =~ /(\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+)/ ;
        $actorId = $1;
        $action = $2;
        $entityType = $3;
        $entityId = $4;
        set_http_request_path('/api/log/'+ $actorId + '/' + $action +'/' + $entityType +'/' +$entityId);

URL is Logsentinel API url (api.logsentinel.com)

Authorization and Application-Id headers contain mandatory headers for authentication and authorization. Values of Application-Id and Authorization are just an example. Your organization real values must be provided. Authorization header consists of “Basic” string + base64_encode(<your organization id>:<your secret>)

Extracting data from logs here is just simple regex that reads 4 words from log file and fills the mandatory url params (actorId, action , entityType, entityId). You can use all Nxlog functionality to parse and transform your logs as you wish.

Note: Sending custom http headers is only available in Enterprise edition of Nxlog. This feature is mandatory for integration with Logsentinel.